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Oxford Consortium Workshops

Our workshops bring diverse groups of students together with international scholars and human rights practitioners for week-long seminars. Workshops are held at the University of Oxford in England and other places around the world.


Our signature workshop is the week-long spring seminar focused on human rights and humanitarian law, held in Oxford, England each March. The Consortium also hosts a variety of other seminars in different locations and different focuses--all chosen for their relevance to current events and the human rights fields. 


Upcoming Workshops


Past Workshops


What our participants say

A group of about 30 people sit in large blue chairs in a well-lit room

"Not only did this workshop give me hope, but also meaningful takeaways that I am sure will help me in executing community action. Listening to the stories of others, I now realize that together as a community we are unstoppable.”

OCHR participant Marissa Roy.png

Marissa Roy, USC

“I gained a much clearer idea of what humanitarian work looks like in the field and what challenges humanitarian workers face. I hope that, as a law student with political aspirations, this perspective will help me craft policies that keep in mind the realities of the field."


Fizza Raza, University of Houston

"The Oxford fellowship program was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have always wanted to go into human rights, but it is sometimes very hard to maintain hope that change is possible. The program showed me that many people are working for goals that are similar to mine. The fact that they're all from different backgrounds provides great insights into global issues. I'm confident that together we will be able to actually make this world a better place."