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Sonoma January 2023 - Human Rights, Activism, and Community Action

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Sonoma January 2023 - Human Rights, Activism, and Community Action

Katie Dwyer

The Oxford Consortium for Human Rights Workshop Series: Human Rights, Activism, and Community Action

Location: Sonoma, California

Schedule: January 12 - 16th 2023

Please contact OCHR Program Director Katie Dwyer at with questions or to reserve space for your student group.

This workshop builds on our past seminars that feature both eminent scholars and local activists to engage students in conversations and skill-building around the theory and practice of community action. Some questions we will consider: How do we mobilize responses to build compassionate and just communities? How do we integrate the personal and the political? What is the role of international human rights principles on the scale of a small local community?

Sonoma is our chosen location for this event because of its fascinating location in the heart of California wine country. While this phrase conjures images of leisure for many, it creates a striking juxtaposition between farmworkers and the wealthy members who reside there. As communities face increasing risks of wildfires and climate change, we are also at a moment when dialogues around justice and equality must happen. Sonoma offers this view both as these conversations are deepening in recent years but also in the long tradition of civil rights activism in the farmworker community. We are delighted to be partnering with Sonoma State University to host this workshop.

As with all of our workshops, participants will hear from scholars from Oxford and elsewhere, will be involved in discussions and work groups, and will also learn from activists. We will also engage with a local organization to get an in-depth view of local issues, connecting these ideas with broader principles and inspiring students to engage in their own communities.

Student feedback from our 2022 workshop:

"Not only did this workshop give me hope, but also meaningful takeaways that I am sure will help me in executing community action. Listening to the stories of others, I now realize that together as a community we are unstoppable. Thank you for giving us hope in a hopeless world. Thank you for inspiring us and making us realize that we can contribute to the change that we want to see in society. I am grateful for your time, knowledge, and wisdom."

Key details:

Dates: January 12 - 16 (we begin Wednesday evening, and conclude at 1pm on the 16th)

Price: $1100 per student (includes lodging and most meals) (Faculty price: $300 without board, follow up with us to inquire about staying with the group)

Location: Sonoma State University

Participants are expected to participate in all parts of the workshop to deepen the experience for all involved.

Learn more about the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights at our website. Please contact Katie Dwyer, OCHR Program Director, to reserve spaces for your student group: